Star wars ffg medical backpack.
Modification Price Rarity HP Req.
Star wars ffg medical backpack Models Include: Merr-Sonn Treppus-2 Vibroblade. Inspired targets also Activation: Active (Maneuver) Ranked: Yes Trees: Assassin (2), Executioner (2) Once per round on the character’s turn, the character may perform a Precise Aim maneuver before attempting a combat check and suffer a number of strain. Medkits contained diagnostic instruments that could be used to detect both injuries and diseases. Weapons. Load-bearing gear increases a wearer's encumbrance threshold by 3. -If your GM allows it and if youre creative enough, you can use any combination of these three items during medical procedures to make sure things go smoothly as well as to counteract unforseen medical circumstances. [2] A SRD for Star Wars Medical & Drugs. Models Include: None, Base Modifiers: Stores items of up to 25 The collection transforms iconic Eastpak bags into out-of-this-world designs. [1][3] Vanguards are first to the fight. Through the Force, the character creates a bond with a single animal with which [they] are currently interacting. Models Include: Numerous variants. Base Modifiers: Whipcord throwers can be used as climbing gear to assist the wearer in climbing a steep vertical A repulsorlift stretcher, repulsor stretcher, repulsorlift gurney, float gurney, float bed,[1] grav-bed,[2] or grav-stretcher[3] was a type of gurney equipped with anti-gravity technology that was used to carry the grievously injured or unconscious. For calculating initiative if they have prepared for combat mentally. Models Include: None; each lightsaber is individually crafted. Models Include: Jeron Hookless Grapplers, SoroSuub Whipcord Thrower. Navicomputer: None. Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower Starting Experience: 110 XP Special Abilities: Ganks begin the game with one rank in Coercion or Vigilance. This cannot bring a characteristic above six. Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn Strain Threshold: 12 + Willpower Starting Experience: 90 XP Special Abilities: Falleen begin the game with one rank in Charm. MODULAR BACKPACK FRAME (Forged in Battle (AoR) p27. A contained energy ax can use appropriate Melee weapon attachments, but not lightsaber attachments. More information is available in Star Wars Force and Destiny Roleplaying Game: Core Rulebook (page 79-80). Available in a variety of styles, armored clothing is an excellent option for those who need light, flexible protection. e. Treating a poison or poisoning someone. Acute This skill represents a character's ability to perform medical procedures. The convenient Mk. [1][3][4][5] Lightsabers cannot be Sundered. Contains careers, equipment, and gear that correspond to members who live in the Fringe of the galaxy. Sensor Nullicaine is a staple of field treatment useful for helping soldiers to fight on despite injuries. This animal must have a silhouette equal to or smaller than half the character's Force rating when the bond is created, rounded down (this means a character with Activation: Passive Ranked: Yes Trees: ARC Trooper (1), Ascetic (2), Clone Trooper (1), Commando (2), Instructor (2) The character adds a boost dice per rank of Physical Training to their Athletics and Resilience checks. Base Modifiers: Innate Talent (Quick Draw This is a community for friendly discussion about Fantasy Flight Games' (now Edge's) Star Wars RPG. Like emergency medpacs, physician's kits allow a character to use the Medicine skill without penalty, and in addition grant a boost die This is a community for friendly discussion about Fantasy Flight Games' (now Edge's) Star Wars RPG. We're getting closer and closer to our v1 milestone for the system so could use all the feedback, bug reporting, love and attention we can get to drive it forward! Referred to as a "fast mover" by many Alliance fighter pilots, the Imperial Navy's TIE/in light interceptor is one of the most feared fightercraft in the Empire's arsenal. Career Skills: Athletics, Cool, Discipline, Knowledge (Lore), Lightsaber, Piloting (Space) Master Bonus Career Skills: Charm, Knowledge (Core Worlds), Knowledge (Education), Perception Prerequisite: Force Intended to save pilots in the event of an emergency, anti-grav chutes are small backpacks with miniature repulsorlifts incorporated into them. More information is available in Rise of the Separatists: An Era Sourcebook (page 24-25). Models Include: Various models. As this armor is reasonably subtle, it takes a thorough search of an individual's There are a myriad of online (and offline) communities for the Star Wars RPG by FFG including websites, Discords, and forums to visit and discuss the game. Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Knowledge (Warfare), Medicine, Melee, Ranged (Light), Ranged (Heavy), Survival Vanguard Bonus Career Skills: Athletics, Cool, Vigilance, Resilience Body Guard, Conditioned, Toughened, Rapid Reaction Toughened, Moving Target, Point Blank It is said that Corellians have rocket fuel for blood, and there is no doubt that they have a penchant for speed. A small defensive shield can provide a substantial upgrade. Models Include: Athakam MedTech First Responder, BioTech FastFlesh Medpac. More information about the gear available on the Wookieepedia article. The device has two built-in, multi-jointed arms that respond to the wearer's verbal commands to hand the wearer tools, hold equipment, and reorganize tools once the user is done with them. Below is a collection of these gathering places where players and GMs alike discuss the game, share content and creations, and organize resources. They still may not train Charm above This rigid backpack contains a suite of tools and portable supplies. The ECM-598 Medical Backpack allows characters to attempt to heal others using Medicine checks without penalty, as detailed on p. Basic scientific knowledge needed in an analysis. More information is available in Endless Vigil: A Sourcebook for Sentinels (page 28). Models Include: Adventure Hiker and Hunter Model 6 "Mule" Modular Backpack, Numerous Variants. They make an Average difficulty Medicine check. Medical droids take a variety of forms, from simple attendant droids capable of dressing flesh wounds or diagnosing basic illnesses up to the elaborate and incredibly advanced surgical droids that can be found on military starships and major urban centers throughout the galaxy. Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower Starting Experience: 110 XP Special Abilities: Corellians begin the game with one rank in Piloting (Planetary) or Piloting (Space). Skills: Computers 1, Discipline 1, Knowledge (Xenology) 3, Medicine 3, Perception 2. Smuggler Spy Technician ARC Trooper Ataru Striker Fringer Hotshot Hunter Makashi Duelist Martial Artist Padawan Performer Often described as "a medical frigate you can fit in your pocket," a standard medpac is a larger and better-equipped version of the common emergency medpac. Clone Soldier Soldier Alchemist Cyber Tech Doctor Healer Instructor Interrogator Magus Medic In a treacherous galaxy, everyone is going to need something to cover themselves with. Scaled-up medpac with medical equipment, drugs, tools, scanners, and other contents, in a sturdy internal-frame backpack. They still may not train Brawl or Survival above rank 2 during Kuat Drive Yards' Nebulon-B frigate was one of the first capital ships deployed to Imperial fleets, coming into service alongside the first Imperial-class Star Destroyers. Models Include: None, numerous variants. Typically, active qualities require two advantage results on a successful attack (for weapons) to activate. At the very least, one can rapidly overcome wounds in battle with most compact medical kits allowing to keep someone alive until proper help can be administered. [6][7] Activation: Active (Incidental) Ranked: No Trees: Cyber Tech, Outlaw Tech, Sapper, Scavenger, Scientist, Scout The character may spend one Destiny Point to perform a Utility Belt incidental to produce a previously undocumented—but essential—small tool from [their] utility belt, satchel, or pockets, with a rarity no greater than (4). Models Include: Mili-Corp PS-8C Plasma Buckler, Krail 99 Guardian System. Manufacturer: Kuat Drive Yards. Chiewab Amalgamated Pharmaceuticals Company's ECM-598 Medical Backpack contained a collapsible repulsorlift stretcher that could be used by one Although most medikits are sold stocked, medical packs across the galaxy are notorious for being customized and refitted. Models Include: Numerous variants. Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower Starting Experience: 80 XP Special Abilities: Shistavanens begin the game with one rank in either Brawl or Survival. A Medicine Dispenser was a standard item in the ECM-598 Medical Backpack. Balancing on an unstable or narrow surface. This allows for a wide variety of craft to be built without the need for Cold, calculating, and absolutley certain of their natural superiority to other species in the galaxy, the white-haired Arkanians are recognized across countless star systems for both their advanced bioengineering and their massive egos. Crawling through tight spaces. More information is available in Star Wars Age of Rebellion Roleplaying Game: Core Rulebook (page 89). More information about the armor available on the Wookieepedia article. IV Modular Backpack increases the user's encumbrance threshold by 3, plus an additional 1 point of encumbrance threshold for each accessory pouch to a maximum of 3. [5][6][7] Glitterstim is a vanishingly rare variety of spice, refined from the webs spun by the energy spiders of Kessel and mined by the unfortunate slaves sent into those pitch-black depths. Career Skills: Charm, Deception, Knowledge (Core Worlds), Knowledge (Education), Knowledge (Lore), Leadership, Negotiation, Streetwise Politico Bonus Career Skills: Charm, Coercion Activation: Active (Incidental) Ranked: No Trees: Hotshot, Pilot The character may spend one Destiny Point to add additional damage equal to half [their] Agility rating (rounded up) to one hit of a successful attack made by ship or vehicle-mounted weaponry. Discover backpacks, luggage and accessories inspired by scenes and characters from the epic fiction franchise – including the Chewbacca backpack, Stormtrooper suitcase and Yoda bag. fandom. View Mobile Site Dec 16, 2016 · The medpac would include multiple emergency medpacs and an AED (or the star wars version which would be similar in size but include far more capabilities than just being an AED). III Modular Backpack: 75 - 1 Increase carrying capacity Mk. Wound Threshold: 9 + Brawn Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower Starting Experience: 120 XP Special Abilities: Ewoks are usually smaller than average and count as silhouette 0. Medical [] Gear Price Rarity Reference Nullicaine: 25 2 Modular Backpack Frame; Moving Target talent; N Star Wars RPG (FFG) Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. IV Modular Backpack (pouch) 15 - 1 Increases carrying capacity Data Goggles: 250 1 1 Comlinks are the most common communication devices in the galaxy. The "emergency medpac" I carry (when I carry it in field) easily fits in my pack and I still have the capacity to include my other SAR gear. This cannot be a weapon unless the weapon has the Limited This book contains an extensive collection of weapons, armor, gear, and attachments from the Star Wars galaxy that are organised into chapters and sections by type. They still may not train Cool above rank 2 during character creation Despite the grand legends of the Jedi and their sweeping battles in half-forgotten wars, neighborhoods still needed day-to-day protection. Utility belts increase a character's encumbrance threshold by 1. On or above the ground, the driver becomes a part of the machine [they] drive, and [they] attempt maneuvers no design engineer ever intended [their] vehicle to do. Clone Soldier Commander Consular Guardian Hired Gun Made of thick, reinforced, wear-resistant textiles woven with energy dispersion mesh, this light armor is one of the most common forms of personal armor protection in the galaxy. IV Modular Backpack is manufactured by Creshaldyne Industries and marketed almost exclusively to military and governmental forces. [2] Not everyone who is skilled in the ways of the Force seeks to hold a position of tremendous authority. Although humans and Zabrak have been born, lived, and died on Dathomir, the truly unique Dathomirians are near-humans who practice a strange blend of magicks and alchemy—those who make up the clans known as the Nightsisters. E-EtU p. More information about the weapon available on the Wookieepedia article. Treating diseases and identification of pathogens. That is; the encumbrance rules encourage a more cinematic experience because in the movies and stuff, the characters there never carried around a ton of Utility belts let travelers keep valuable tools and items close at hand. A Jedi cannot ignore the binding principle that connects the galaxy, especially at a time of war. flexibility. Many Consulars know the universal truth: knowledge is power, and understanding a situation can give one a decisive advantage. This RPG was split into three core rulebooks, which separate player options into groups of careers which go together. The listed price is used when paying someone else to perform the work. An intelligent toolbox counts as a tool kit. Wound Threshold: 9 Guardians frequently and deliberately put themselves in harm's way in order to aid others. CARE INSTRUCTIONS: Keep your Star Wars backpack pristine for light years to come. To perform this action, they must have access to drugs, a medpac, or stimpacks. Galladinium's Fantastic Technology The DarkStryder Campaign The Jedi Academy Sourcebook Star Wars: The Roleplaying Game, Second Edition, Revised and Expanded Galaxy Guide 3: The Empire Strikes Back, Second Edition Cynabar's Fantastic Activation: Passive Ranked: Yes Trees: All Specialization Trees (except Hermit, Sage & Seer) Each rank permanently increases a single characteristic of the player's choice by one point. It is used to protect against the effects of Leadership, Coercion and Deception - rolled for in situations such as; Acting normally when pinned down under heavy fire. More information about the droid available on the Wookieepedia article. They still Feb 16, 2020 · Ill MODULAR BACKPACK (SavSpirits (FaD) p46, 48. Bacta provides greatly accelerated healing rates. III Modular Backpack (extra pockets) 15 - 1 Fits into backpack for additional carrying capacity Pannier Modular Cargo Handling System: 500 - 5 Increases carrying capacity of large beasts Pannier Modular Cargo Handling System (extra containers) 350 - 4 CAPC ECM-598 Medical Backpack: 450 4 Page 48: Survival [] Gear Price Rarity Reference Star Wars RPG (FFG) Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. More information about the attachment available on the Wookieepedia article. [4][5][3] This skill encompasses a character's background knowledge from growing up and going to school or university. Models Include: Athakam MedTech Survival Medpac, Chiewab GLiS Emergency Medpac. Edge of the Empire. As the technician I have been acting as the crew's Q, proposing equipment, creating my own, and making plans for cool tech when the big money… This skill is a character's ability to maintain their composure when faced with a surprising force. Cybernetics. Performing surgeries and cybernetic implantation. Models Include: Mitrinomon Z-6 Jet Pack. 75 credits + 15 credits per Extra Pouch): The Mk Ill modular backpack increases a wearer's encumbrance threshold by 2, plus an additional 1 point of encumbrance threshold for each accessory pouch added to the backpack (to a maximum increase of 6). They then decreases the target’s defense (ranged and melee) by one per strain suffered for that Twi'leks are a common sight throughout the galaxy, particularly within less reputable locales. The CT-4 series medical droids are manufactured in Polis Massa by Polis Massa Pria Assemblage, and are almost exclusively used there. They still may not train Perception above rank 2 during character But especially in FFG's Star Wars here, it's apparent that they generally want you to make the hard choice of only taking what is important, which I think is an important theme of Star Wars. But especially in FFG's Star Wars here, it's apparent that they generally want you to make the hard choice of only taking what is important, which I think is an important theme of Star Wars. Ranging from small technologically isolated Ewok, to the extremely versatile Human, to the biggest of the Hutt; all these have their strengths and weaknesses The latest in the long-running WESTAR line, the WESTAR-35 is the standard-issue sidearm of Mandalorian law enforcement and military officers. 5” H x 5. Most are simple two-way devices that can transmit and receive to a single mated unit at relatively long ranges over land and even into low orbit, but there are models that can transmit to multiple users at once or network whole groups together on the same CAPC ECM-598 Medical Backpack; Carbanti United Electronics Whistler; Cargo Clothes; Star Wars RPG (FFG) Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Requirements Features Comlink Bug: 150 4 0 Implant in communications device Broadcasts incoming & outgoing signals of comms to nearby listener Interrogation Subroutine, Medical Tools TTS20-Series Dialectic Droid: Rival 5,400 7 Star Wars RPG (FFG) Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. I like the idea of the PCs holding their breath while they each start attempting to do things. Wound Threshold: 12 + Brawn Strain Threshold: 9 + Willpower Starting Experience: 90 XP Special Abilities: Trandoshans begin the game with one rank in Perception. Resisting temptations. Characters equipped with an anti-grav chute take no damage or strain from falls. More information is available in Fly Casual: A Sourcebook for Smugglers (page 28). Navicomputer: Yes. Hull Type/Class: Starfighter . This does Activation: Active (Action) Ranked: No Trees: Alchemist, Doctor, Medic The character may take the Stim Application action. More information about the species available on the Wookieepedia article. Emergency medpacs allow characters to use the Medicine skill to heal others without penalty. "Protector X" Law Enforcement Armor. Just wanted to bring our little system to the attention of those who don't already stalk the FoundryVTT discord. Wipe it clean for easy care. The compact packages were designed to provide a trained medic with the tools necessary for field care, yet also allowed untrained users to provide emergency care. [4][5][3] Trandoshans are belligerant, lizard-like humanoids who have an avowed hatred for Wookiees. Because The Aqualish are a triad of semi-aquatic sub-species evolved from aquatic mammals on the planet Ando. The frame can be fitted with up to two different CAPC ECM-598 Medical Backpack; Carbanti United Electronics Whistler; Cargo Scanner; Star Wars RPG (FFG) Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. A mysterious species of mercenaries in the employ of the Hutts, the Ganks are among the most feared and bloodthirsty killers in Hutt Space. A stimpack requires one maneuver to administer it to oneself or an engaged target. Models Include: Various cuts and combinations. This is a standard military-issue backpack used to stow and carry tents, rations, canteens, excavation tools, and all manner of other gear the soldier needs in the field. Additionally, it reduces the time required for repairs, crafting, and other Mechanics-related tasks by 50%. Star Wars Role-Playing Game. Models Include: Merr-Sonn Damask-4 Duelist Sword, SoroSuub "Gladius" Vibro-Shortsword. Activation: Active (Incidental) Ranked: No Trees: Hotshot, Pilot The character may spend one Destiny point to add additional damage equal Activation: Passive Ranked: Yes Trees: Archaeologist (1), Bodyguard (1), Colossus (1), Demolitionist (1), Gunner (2), Hermit (1), Marauder (2), Mechanic (1 Designed in conjunction with Grand Admiral Thrawn's fighter initiative, the TIE/d shares many of the TIE series' design features—the spherical cockpit, the solar collectors in the wings, the twin ion engines—but beneath the relatively familiar skin is a completely different fighter. 51. Droids. The number of strain cannot exceed their ranks in Precise Aim. Wound Threshold: 11 + Brawn Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower Starting Experience: 95 XP Special Abilities: Devaronians begin the game with one rank in Survival or Activation: Active (Incidental, Out of Turn) Ranked: Yes Trees: Ambassador (2), Assassin (2), Ataru Striker (2), Doctor (1), Fringer (2), Gunslinger (1), Infiltrator Yaladai spice is a prized and expensive stimulant, worth many times the value of more common drugs, such as glitterstim, on the black market. If successful, one ally they are engaged with (including themselves) increases one characteristic of the character's choice by one for the Until activated, a contained energy ax is easily mistaken for a common vibro-ax. Mechanics. Manufacturer: Sienar Fleet Systems. Career Skills: Brawl, Cool, Discipline, Melee, Resilience, Vigilance Soresu Defender Bonus Career Skills: Discipline, Knowledge (Lore), Lightsaber, Vigilance Parry, Parry, Toughened, Defensive Stance HIGH-QUALITY MATERIALS: Crafted from premium polyester, this backpack combines durability with style. I am currently playing a technician in one campaign and preparing to run one of my own. [1] [2] A full suit of Katarn-class armor provides a wearer with all the benefits of a combat scanner and a breath mask , and increases the wearer's encumbrance Part tool and part weapon, a good combat knife is a welcome addition to any traveler's gear. The lightsaber design, metal badge, and careful construction ensure a high-quality accessory worthy of any Star Wars enthusiast. Remotes. This lightsaber is a basic lightsaber hilt containing an unmodded Ilum lightsaber crystal. III modular backpack increases a wearer's encumbrance threshold by 2, plus an additional point of encumbrance threshold for each accessory pouch added to the backpack (to a maximum increase of 6). When confronting something of horrifying properties. Backpack: 50 - 0 Increases carrying capacity BlasTech Model 58 Concealment Holster: 40 0 3 Conceals a small weapon Climbing Gear: 50 1 2 Allows rappelling and climbing Creshaldyne Mk. Models Include: None. They may sometimes have a rating, which is noted on the profile and scales the effect in some way. IV Modular Backpack (backpack) 75 - 1 Increases carrying capacity Creshaldyne Mk. More information about the starship is available on the Wookieepedia article. Developed thousands of years ago, it is a viscous, clear liquid within which live millions of genetically altered and synthetic bacteria. Known for their history as explorers and their striking (and often intimidating) looks, Devaronians are a species familiar to many galactic travelers. Models Include: Creshaldyne Industries Light Combat Armor, TaggeCo. Characters with this gear may ignore a setback die imposed Carried by doctors and healers on backwater worlds, physician's kits are bigger and more comprehensive than their medpac cousins. Sensor Range: Close. While a character can use multiple stimpacks, doing so is an act of diminishing returns, as Many items are distinguished by their special qualities. Then giving them a chance with some Strain drain over time before they pass out. This cannot be done during structured encounters. The speed of the fall decreases significantly once the anti-grav chute activates, which means The armor's backpack is modular, enabling it to incorporate modifications suited to specific battlefield needs such as survival gear, additional oxygen supplies, and field electronics. Skills: Discipline 1, Medicine 3, Perception This is a community for friendly discussion about Fantasy Flight Games' (now Edge's) Star Wars RPG. Maintaining one's cool is rolled for in situations such as; Resisting the effects of Charm and Negotiation. This pack increases the user's encumbrance capacity by 6, but has the Cumbersome 2 quality. A jet pack is ideal for fast maneuverability and surprise attacks. Doing the work oneself requires an Average difficulties Mechanics check. They are typically the scum and villainy, but also include explorers and The basic lightsaber is a simple but exceedingly elegant weapon. Hull Type/Class: Starfighter/TIE Series. IV military reconnaissance pack. The site Activation: Passive Ranked: Yes Trees: Advisor (2), Advocate (4), Aggressor (2), Agitator (2), Alchemist (3), Ambassador (2), Analyst (2), Arbiter (2), ARC Trooper (2 Activation: Passive Ranked: Yes Trees: Alchemist (2), Instructor (2), Medic (3), Protector (2), Retired Clone Trooper (1) Whenever the character uses a stimpack, the target heals an additional wound per rank of Stimpack Specialization. [1][5][6][7] When the chips are down, the Gambler holds all the cards. The ECM-598 medical backpack allows characters to attempt to heal others using Medicine checks without penalty. Base Modifiers: The small plasma-shield generator attached to the armor's forearm armor and can be activated or deactivated as an incidental. com - A resource hub and community base for Star Wars RPG by FFG. Talents: Bacta Specialist 2 (patients heal 2 additional wounds when they heal wounds via bacta tanks or Beneath the glamorous reptilian features and serene facade of the mysterious Falleen lies a shrewd mind and cold-blooded precision. Career Skills: Cool, Discipline, Knowledge (Education), Knowledge (Lore), Leadership, Negotiation Sage Bonus Career Skills: Astrogation, Charm, Cool, Knowledge Activation: Passive Ranked: Yes Trees: Assassin (1), Clone Trooper (1), Gadgeteer (1), Gunslinger (1), Mercenary Soldier (1), Sharpshooter (2) Each time the character gains a rank of Deadly Accuracy, they must choose one combat skill. Modular Backpack. 219. Load-bearing gear, or combat webbing, is a system used by soldiers to carry necessary equipment on their persons in easily accessible pouches. Wound Threshold: 8 + Brawn Strain Threshold: 8 + Willpower Starting Experience: 120 XP Special Abilities: Jawas begin the game with one rank in Negotiation or Skulduggery. Models Include: Imperial Armory M-4 Army Combat Webbing, AHH "Striker" Tactical Vest. They still may not train either skill above rank 2 during character creation. These could often be used up to ten times before needing to be restocked with supplies. Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower Starting Experience: 100 XP While most Seekers are often solitary and self-reliant by nature, some go beyond this simple tendency toward reclusion and desire to operate independently. It could be loaded with a variety of medicines and then administer them to a patient. See full list on starwars. If the Medical [] Gear Price Rarity Backpack; Bacta; Bacta Specialist talent; Bad Motivator talent; Balance talent; Star Wars RPG (FFG) Wiki is a FANDOM Games Main Bag Dimensions: 11” W x 17. More information is available in Star Wars Force and Destiny Roleplaying Game: Core Rulebook (page 74). View Mobile Site Medical [] Gear Price Rarity Reference Nullicaine: 25 2 Modular Backpack Frame; Moving Target talent; N Star Wars RPG (FFG) Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. This immediately heals 5 wounds. The character makes a Daunting difficulty Discipline Medical [] Gear Price Rarity Backpack; Bacta; Balance talent; Star Wars RPG (FFG) Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Most Explorer are searching for the new—new opportunities, new planets, new civilizations, new marketplaces, etc. When the shield is active, the user cannot Developed by various interests and groups in secret on Nubia following the Empire's rise to prominence, Kav-Dann series power armor is named after a reptilian predator native to the world. Career Skills: Astrogation, Cool, Knowledge (Lore), Knowledge (Outer Rim), Knowledge (Xenology), Perception, Piloting (Space), Survival Archaeologist Bonus Career Skills: Athletics A Jedi's connection to the Force helps them see the bigger picture and understand the larger objectives in war. Despite this fact, all packs share the necessary role of being the first step in emergency medical care and often contain enough resources to patch up even the most severe of traumas. Career Skills: Charm, Coercion, Knowledge (Lore), Knowledge (Outer Rim), Perception, Vigilance Seer Bonus Career Skills: Discipline, Knowledge (Lore), Survival, Vigilance Forager Little more than combat knives with onboard ultrasonic vibration field generators, vibroknives have evolved from individually crafted custom weapons to mass-produced commodities. Yaladai spice has effects that last for one encounter. Ship's More information about the species available on the Wookieepedia article. They still may not train Negotiation or Skulduggery above rank 2 during character creation. Hyperdrive: None. The Modification Price Rarity HP Req. [1][3] The MX-M counts as a tool kit. SIDEBAR: UNIQUE ABILITIES [1] [ ] Interspersed throughout this book are several weapons, pieces of armor, pieces of gear, and items from iconic characters in Star Wars . -Weapon attatchment that allows you to recover a dropped weapon within engaged range as an incidental if the weapon is dropped. Of all the types of Colonists who come to the Outer Rim, Doctors probably have the easiest time finding employment. 5” 2 horizontal front zip pockets Top sunglass pocket with soft velboa lining The main zipper compartment has many interior organization pockets Interior pockets: Mesh zip pocket Zip pocket Slide pocket with Velcro closure 3 pen holders 3 card slots External laptop zip compartme Activation: Passive Ranked: Yes Trees: Clone Officer (2), Commodore (2), Figurehead (2), General (1), Mercenary Soldier (2), Peacekeeper (2), Republic Navy Officer (2), Separatist Commander (1), Squadron Leader (2), Strategist (1) The character gains a boost dice per rank of Command when making Leadership checks (or other checks to inspire, lead, or rally an audience). Hull Type/Class: Frigate/Nebulon-B. Includes slim datapad loaded with emergency-procedure database for most known species, plus collapsable repulsor stretcher (holds up to 150kg). More information is available in Star Wars Edge of the Empire Roleplaying Game: Core Rulebook (page 63). These keywords describe a passive or active effect that the equipment (usually weapons) has available to it. The Mk. [2] To ensure each soldier can carry the necessary kit into battle, military organizations utilize a modular load-bearing frame, which accepts up to two rectangular modules to create a pack tailored to a specific combat role. In addition, it grants a boost die to all Medicine checks made while using the ECM-598 and, thanks to the tutorials and information on the datapad, individuals using this decrease the difficulty of any Medicine checks they make to The technological advances of this galaxy have allowed for extremely effective healing implements. The character may add their ranks in that combat skill as additional damage to one hit of successful attacks made with that skill using a personal-scale weapon Activation: Passive Ranked: Yes Trees: Skip Tracer (1), Sleeper Agent (2), Slicer (3), Thief (2) The character removes a setback die per rank of Bypass Security from [their] Skulduggery and Computers skill checks made to disable a security device or open a locked door. Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn Strain Threshold: 11 + Willpower Starting Experience: 100 XP Special Abilities: Twi'leks begin the game with one rank in either Charm or Deception. // Pilots are great for traveling from one system to another, but it's the Drivers that move beings around once they hit dirtside. IV This skill is used in addition to Athletics, measuring a character's nimbleness and swiftness - i. An Intelligent Toolbox counts as a Tool Kit. Models Include: Ayelixe Fabrico Armorweave, A/KT Tuff1 Combat Jumpsuit, Tenloss Syndicate "ShadowStalker" Assassin Gear. This system began with the release of the beta Edge of the Empire rulebook in 2012, and it's since blossomed into full fantasticness with three core rulebooks, four beginner's boxes, and over a dozen adventures and sourcebooks. This crystal occupies two of the weapon's hard points. View Mobile Site Mk. Creshaldyne Industries' Mk. Installed in starships, especially freighters and transports, for the transportation of contraband, smuggling compartments are used to hide goods (and occasionally, people) from the prying eyes of planetary customs agents and Imperial law enforcement. This is a community for friendly discussion about Fantasy Flight Games' (now Edge's) Star Wars RPG. Colonist Consular Engineer Alchemist Analyst Archaeologist Artisan Commodore Doctor Entrepreneur Healer Instructor Investigator Master Outlaw Tech Padawan Scientist A medkit was a larger version of a medpac. View Mobile Site This skill represents a character's ability to remain calm in the face of danger. While most cultures have moved beyond the use of bladed weapons for general use and protection, there are still some for whom intricate swordplay and the appreciation of a finely crafted blade are ingrained parts of their martial heritage. Career Skills: Athletics, Brawl, Knowledge (Warfare), Medicine, Melee, Ranged (Light), Ranged (Heavy), Survival Medic Bonus Career Skills: Knowledge (Xenology), Medicine, Resilience, Vigilance Forager, Stimpack Emergency medpacs are prevalent wherever the threat of injury is higher than average. Escaping restraints. A character may apply nullicaine to themself or an engaged character by making an Easy difficulty Medicine check and choosing one Easy, Average, or Hard difficulty Critical Injury the target is currently suffering. Stimpacks are auto-injection tubes filled with medicine, bacta, and painkillers. More information is available in Star Wars Force and Destiny Roleplaying Game: Core Rulebook (page 67-68). The Alliance cannot afford to fight a war of attrition the way the Empire can. It is used in rolls such as; Interacting with a government entity. Standard medpacs allow a user to perform relatively complex medical procedures in the field A whipcord thrower quickly deploys a length of high-tensile-strength cable, firing it over a distance in order to secure a target. Bonus if the Doc of the party brings her medical backpack. Rare. More information is available in Star Wars Age of Rebellion Roleplaying Game: Core Rulebook (page 65 A common modification to holdout blasters, along with removing their serial numbers, is filing down the weapon's front sight. The metal frame has an upper-left antennae mount that accepts most comlinks and connects them to a hands-free headset. View Mobile Site ↑ Star Wars Force and Destiny Roleplaying Game: Core Rulebook (Page 152) ↑ Star Wars Age of Rebellion Roleplaying Game: Core Rulebook (Page 156) ↑ Star Wars Edge of the Empire Roleplaying Game: Core Rulebook (Page 142) The galaxy is full of species. They still may not train Charm or Deception above Activation: Passive Ranked: No Trees: Hermit, Pathfinder Force talent. Clever Negotiators: Jawas may use Cunning instead of Many ancient Jedi Knights favored heavy concealing robes for their anonymity, and now Force users throughout the galaxy use them to avoid notice. Career Skills: Coordination, Deception, Knowledge (Underworld), Perception, Piloting (Space), Skulduggery, Streetwise, Vigilance Gambler Bonus Career Skills: Computers, Cool, Deception, Skulduggery Convincing Demeanor, Grit, Toughened, Up the Ante Grit Nov 28, 2017 · I'm going to go with @GroggyGolem 's idea. Career Skills: Computers, Deception, Knowledge (Core Worlds), Perception, Skulduggery, Stealth Sentry Bonus Career Skills: Coordination, Lightsaber, Stealth, Vigilance Despite being an Outer Rim society, the Muun remain an important center in galactic politics; they started and maintain the InterGalactic Banking Clan (otherwise known as the Banking Clan or IGBC) and stabilized the credit used from the deepest Core World all the way to the edge of the Outer Rim. A physician's kit allows a user to perform relatively complex medical procedures in the field. Hyperdrive: Primary: Class 2, Backup: Class 12. It is used in rolls regarding; Reducing damage from a fall. III Modular Backpack is a civilian version of its popular Mk. Armor. This modification may only be applied to pistol-sized weapons. Career Skills: Athletics, Cool, Discipline, Knowledge (Lore), Lightsaber, Piloting (Space) Knight Bonus Career Skills: Cool, Leadership, Lightsaber, Negotiation Prerequisite: Force rating 2 Grit Rebels, Force users, and scoundrels may find themselves operating in some of the harshest, most inhospitable environments the galaxy has to offer. SWRPGCommunity. The sixth stimpack and beyond each day still have no effect. Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower Starting Experience: 100 XP Special Abilities: Chiss begin the game with one rank in Cool. Thanks to their cut and construction, concealing robes add a setback die to checks to notice or recognize an individual wearing them. Career Skills: Knowledge (Xenology), Piloting (Planetary), Piloting (Space), Ranged (Heavy), Survival, Vigilance Hermit Bonus Career Skills: Discipline Activation: Active (Action) Ranked: Yes Trees: Archaeologist (2), Bodyguard (2), Colossus (2), Force Adherent (1), Marshal (2), Mechanic (1), Saboteur (1) On any turn in which the character is staggered or disoriented, they may perform the Hard Headed action (even though staggered characters are normally barred from performing actions). More information is Medical [] Gear Price Rarity Reference Nullicaine: 25 2 Modular Backpack Frame; Moving Target talent; N Star Wars RPG (FFG) Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. More information is available in Savage Spirits: A Sourcebook for Seekers (page 26). More information is available in Forged in Battle: A Sourcebook for Soldiers (page 32). Star Wars FFG We just launched the third part in our YouTube series to help beginners learn Fantasy Flight Games' Star Wars tabletop RPG system! You can check out the first video here , which covers an overview of the game and explains the dice mechanics. More information is available in Collapse of the Republic: An Era Sourcebook (page 25). They begin the game with one rank in either Stealth or Survival. Community content is available under CC-BY-SA unless otherwise noted. While one could just put on a set of banal clothes, sometimes it is necessary to be more protected, be it due Landspeeders are the most common form of personal transports in the galaxy, enabled by low power repulsorlift technologies. The isolationist Shistavanens are fur-covered bipeds with sharp teeth and claws. Career Skills: Charm, Deception, Knowledge (Core Worlds), Knowledge (Education), Knowledge (Lore), Leadership, Negotiation, Streetwise Doctor Bonus Career Skills: Cool Many Jedi wear thick robes, sometimes with ceremonial significance, and sometimes simply to protect themselves against the elements in the course of their work. Like many other varieties of powered armor, a Kav-Dann suit is spaceworthy and includes a full life-support suite that can be modified If there is one thing a Politico knows how to do better than anyone else in the galaxy, it's talking. com Most backpacks are simple textile constructs with a number of compartments and external pouches good for just about anything. More information is available in Enter the Unknown: A Sourcebook for Explorers (page 24). Ace Clone Soldier Commander Consular Explorer Guardian Jedi Spy Warrior Charmer Clone Officer Demolitionist Doctor Driver Droid Produced by Merr-Sonn, this rigid backpack contains a suite of tools and portable supplies. It is used in rolls involving; Routine first aid, including with the use of MedPacs. A jet pack allows a person to function as a Silhouette 1, Speed 2, Handling 0, System Strain Threshold 3 vehicle that can only operate in atmosphere, and require Piloting (Planetary) to operate. Wound Threshold: 10 + Brawn Strain Threshold: 10 + Willpower Starting Experience An ancient healing technology, bacta is nothing less than miraculous. Models Include: Pretormin Environmental HS-90 Hazmat Suit, ScorSear 200 Survival Kit, Pretormin Environmental Froz 350. Explosive Charges. Restrictions: Glitterstim is illegal on most worlds, and its trade is aggressively monitored and controlled by Imperial authorities Activation: Passive Ranked: Yes Trees: Archaeologist (1), Medic (1), Padawan (1), Politico (1), Propagandist (1), Scholar (1), Shadow (1), Sleeper Agent (1), Teacher Star Wars FFG for FoundryVTT. [2] This is a community for friendly discussion about Fantasy Flight Games' (now Edge's) Star Wars RPG. Additionally, it reduces the time required Jun 7, 2016 · The Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars RPG is a favorite of mine. Chiewab APC ECM-598 Medical Backpack Scaled-up medpac with medical equipment, drugs, tools, scanners, and other contents, in a sturdy internal-frame backpack. When a character under the effects of the spice suffers strain, [they] suffer three less strain, to a minimum of one. xglumxijzcoyfohnwcswtspuwcoowodavkhjscmkrlrrpetervkqir