Upeace online courses. Academic Year 2021 - 2022 .

Upeace online courses org. She started working as a multimedia journalist back in her hometown of Mexico as a photographer for a newspaper. In this role, he has developed and taught over 75 seminars in several countries (Haiti, USA, Switzerland, Guatemala, Nicaragua, Honduras, Puerto Rico, India, Bangladesh, Costa Rica and the U. Join us online, onsite at the University for Peace (UPEACE) campus, or choose to do a bit of both, with a custom hybrid program. Possibilities *Optional* UPEACE The confluence of cutting edge Western and Indigenous science and knowledge has opened the doors to a new paradigm of peace and development. The list of courses to be added to the certification The flexible combination of face-to-face courses and virtual modules allows participants to retain full-time jobs while completing their doctoral degree courses. Taught by UN experts and offered on a diverse range of topics such as gender, anti-corruption, law and diplomacy, these programmes offer practical, The 5-course online Diploma in Social Innovation costs $3,495. The UPEACE Distance Education Online programme provides several graduate-level courses Naita Chialvo brings an emergent approach to the art of teaching and facilitation, honoring the beginner’s mind with each learning opportunity, community, and course. Find our more about the people that make up our unique Courses 2024-2025. For Certificate: Fee for taking this course is USD 600. Academic Year 2023 -2024 Search courses. Online courses provide participants with the most modern concepts and theoretical approaches in each field of study, and practical applications related to the student's own experiences. , Dr. Politics4Future curriculum has been developed and designed to address the The Master of Arts Degree in Environment, Development, and Peace (EDP) provides comprehensive training in issues of sustainable development, environmental governance, natural resource management, and environmental conflicts from both ecological and social justice perspectives. C. 2: $ 700: $ 500: International Law, Borders and Conflicts . Get the mobile app. During the course, an understanding of the complex and interconnected challenges to peace will be developed, as will an understanding of the need for multi-faceted approaches to meeting these challenges. To view the course specifications, see the brochure here > An online Certificate For Diploma: Fee for taking this diploma is USD 2400 (as against USD 3000, if paid for each stand-alone course separately). UPEACE students and almuni enrolling for the Certificate course are entitled to 30% discount on the fee. We want this impactful learning program to be accessible, and we recognize that participants from around the world are all facing unique circumstances. Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Social Change; Tackling Finance in the Social Sector: Check out this 1 minute video from a recent Design Thinking workshop at UPEACE: Course Format. Theme One - Peace and Conflict Studies: The Role of the United Nations (13 credits) Course name Professor Course credits Dates Peace and Conflict Studies; the Foundation . Certificate Programmes (11 credits): provided for the completion of a group of online courses with or without credits. Entity Over the years the Institute has developed a sound expertise in research and training, which is reflected in the organization of several capacity-building activities and specialized postgraduate courses. Transformative Education in. This course aims to question your understanding of marketing and its purpose; support you in developing an ethical marketing strategy that aligns with your values; help you authentically connect with your audiences and community; provide you with tools to talk directly to your UPEACE provides different categories of Certificates and Diplomas, either for credit or training (non-credits). Located in Costa Rica, within the United Nations-University for Peace, the UPEACE Centre for Executive Education was launched to deliver dynamic workshops, seminars and training courses. The fee for auditing the course is USD 200. ) During their study at the University for Peace, most students chose to stay near the UPEACE campus near Ciudad Colon, a small town at about 30 kilometers from the Costa Rican capital San José. The Certificate in International Law and the Settlement of Disputes will be implemented online through UPEACE’s Virtual Learning Environment. Applications to the online MA are being accepted on a rolling basis. Transitional Justice. 0 More Information: Human Rights for Peacekeepers course $ 50. The UPEACE Foundation Course provides a critical and concise introduction to the broad field of “Peace Studies” for students in ALL UPEACE programmes. Please click here to learn if you are eligible for any financial waiver . 9. It is a set of inter-related and inter Online courses, emphasize asynchronous, or ‘offline’ learning. UNICRI is one of the main training and research institutes of the UN System. Within the University for Peace, the UPEACE Centre for Executive Education was launched to deliver dynamic workshops, seminars and training courses. Course categories Search courses. It initially addresses key conceptual and theoretical underpinnings of the origins and development of peace studies as an interdisciplinary area within the fields of international relations Calle Upaz, El Rodeo de Mora, San José, Costa Rica. UN System *Mandatory* UPEACE. Offered both in a Hybrid Format (asynchronous classes online and face-to-face on the UPEACE campus in Costa Rica), and an Online Format, this programme will allow students to develop the skills required for a successful international career in a variety of fields – diplomacy, development, politics, social work, human resources, human rights, teaching, research, policy institutes/think The UPEACE Foundation Course provides a critical and concise introduction to the broad field of “Peace Studies” for students in ALL UPEACE programmes. The Master of Arts in Indigenous Science and Peace Studies (ISPS) brings these two ways of knowing together to challenge a failing framework with time-tested methodologies that sustain life and create transformative UPEACE. Deadline: Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. These programmes, available in an asynchronous format with optional live Zoom sessions, are designed for professionals eager to deepen their theoretical and practical understanding of Peace and Conflict Studies. Application Procedure During this programme – offered both in a Hybrid Format (asynchronous classes online and face-to-face on the UPEACE campus in Costa Rica), and an Online Format – students in this programme will analyze the different dimensions of Programme Modules. Note: Courses underlined are cross-listed between two themes. You can complete this program fully online or add in onsite courses at the UPEACE campus in Costa Rica. Regulations to Receive Financial Assistance in the UPEACE Online MA and individual online courses. 8 September - 19 November 2025. Online courses from UPEACE University The present COVID-19 pandemic is fundamentally altering the way we live, work, and study. The programmes share a common goal of providing a critical understanding and analysis of root causes of conflicts and UPEACE is the only institution within the United Nations system mandated exclusively for peace education. Course Fee. State Department’s Community Solutions Program, the UN Upeace Global Leadership Diploma, Amr Abdalla facilitates the Skills for Effective Negotiations course and the Skills for Effective Negotiations onsite workshop. We are excited to announce that the Department of Peace and Conflict Studies will offer a range of online certificate programmes in 2025. UPEACE ONLINE PROGRAMME 2020-21 All courses on the calendar are subject to change or cancellation. Through coursework and independent research or internship experiences, complemented with a unique and cooperative learning environment at UPEACE, students will enhance their values Some courses specifically delve into the complex management of natural and urban environments, while in other courses, students examine the broader social and economic dimensions of sustainability. Though international law has a long history, the last century has seen an impressive expansion of the role of law and legal institutions in international and transnational The Collected Courses Online is the electronic version of the longstanding book series on international law: Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law. You are not logged in. This course runs two to three times a year, so if this isn’t the right date for you, ask us about future offerings at centre@upeace. Multicultural Awareness $ 50. . For Auditing: It is also possible to audit the course, in which case, participants will not receive a certificate. Possibilities *Optional* UPEACE To enroll a course please register first. Abdalla is Professor Emeritus at the University for Peace, and serves as the Senior Advisor on Conflict Resolution at the Washington-based organization KARAMAH (Muslim Women Lawyers for Human Rights). For Auditing: It is also The course is intended for staff members of governmental, intergovernmental, and non-governmental organizations, human rights practitioners and defenders, development practitioners, academics, students, and others engaged in realizing of the SDGs. Currently based in Washington, D. After successfully enrolling in the course, students will have access to approximately 15 lessons of study material, and they decide when to take the final multiple choice test. Auditors, however, will have access to all course material, be able to participate in the synchronous webinar sessions, and be able to monitor the online discussions of participants. Students should also demonstrate a commitment to working for a positive social change; a minimum of two years of Online Diploma in Peace Studies: Students can also obtain an Online Diploma in Peace Studies upon successfully completing courses worth 12 credits offered within the Online MA programme, and additionally, writing a final academic exam. Theory. Payments can be made via wire transfer and online credit card payments. Who should take this course? Positive Leadership is purposefully designed to be applicable at all ages and career levels, and across a variety of fields. 7 July - 7 September 2025. The Hague Academy Collected Courses Online / Recueil des Cours de l’Académie de la Haye en ligne, discloses online access to over 80 years of the history of international Course Fee. Follow us. The course is designed with a flexible schedule to accommodate working professionals and includes Online courses focus on asynchronous learning, but include weekly opportunities to come together with your classmates, live virtual workshops emphasize the virtual classroom experience with complementary asynchronous materials, and onsite courses take place at the University for Peace in Costa Rica. UPEACE Online Master´s, Certificates and Diploma Financial-Related Information The purpose of this document is to ensure that applicants of the UPEACE Online Master´s Diploma in Peace Studies (courses worth12 credits within MA in SPCW) $5,000. Students admitted to any UPEACE online course must exhibit an outstanding academic record. The Hague Academy Collected Courses Online / Recueil des Cours de l’Académie de la Haye en ligne, discloses online access to over 80 years of the history of international law to students and Within the University for Peace, the UPEACE Centre for Executive Education was launched to deliver dynamic workshops, seminars and training courses. Online Courses. 3 weeks. UPM 6003 The UN System and. INTERNATIONAL LAW AND DIPLOMACY . Each week, (UPEACE) Centre for Executive Education. For Diploma and 10 Academic Credits: Participants are also able to take the five courses in the diploma for a total of 10 graduate Enrollment Form for Individual Online Courses *: Required fields. 3 credits. It is a set of A Multi-Cultural Facilitated Online Course. Course Schedule. The course was created by Mohit Mukherjee, Founding Director of the UPEACE Centre for Executive Education. Alongside the on-site studies at the campus in Costa Rica – for which you can apply here – UPEACE is also offering a wide array of online courses. Academic Year 2024 -2025. Automatic Courses Listing. Law Related to Armed Conflict. 2020 to 6 Nov. They will incorporate case studies, forum discussions, work in small groups, and will encourage peer-to-peer learning and networking. The HYBRID Certificate in Gender and Development will be implemented both face-to-face in San José, Costa Rica on UPEACE’s campus, and online through UPEACE’s Virtual Learning Environment. Students can begin the MA programme at the start of any UPEACE as a not-for-profit institution has limited funds for financial assistance. It encompasses a broad range of subjects and themes, including Food Systems, UPEACE Centre courses, whether online or onsite, are designed to be practical and hands-on. This six week specialized online course introduces participants to the gender dimensions of the interface between development and human rights. Embark on a journey of academic excellence by delving into distinctive M. 2 credits. UNITAR offers a wide range of diplomas and certificates, designed to equip participants with specialised knowledge, enhance their skillset and increase their career prospects in a shorter time frame than traditional masters degrees. 0 More Information: UPEACE. If the withdrawal is within the first four weeks of classes in the academic term, the students will receive a reimbursement of 60% of the payment already made. As a global leader in peace education, UPEACE embodies a mission to equip individuals with the knowledge and tools From time to time, UPEACE-HRC designs and implements stand-alone courses, including field and on-site courses, which are advertised through a call for applications. The flexible combination of face-to-face courses and virtual modules allows participants to retain full-time jobs while in Leadership and Sustainable Development from the University for Peace. Following are the six thematic areas and the courses offered within those themes by the Online MA programme. Every course in the programme shares a commitment to ethics, fundamental human values, gender sensitivity and multiculturalism. UPEACE Optional Courses; Special Online Course on Sustainable Development Goals All countries of the world in 2015 negotiated and adopted an ambitious set of 17 goals and 169 targets at the United Nations General Assembly aimed towards development in form of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 6 weeks. The content of the online M. Therefore, we strive for balance, diverse class composition, and merit in distributing financial assistance among admitted students. Social constructions shape our identity, and thus, have critical impact on our daily lives. Ask us for details Course Listings. 1. It is offered both online and face-to-face on the UPEACE campus in Costa Rica. Centre for Executive Education University for Peace, established by the General Assembly of the United Nations Ciudad Colón, San Jose Costa Rica About the Centre. The deparment programme offers: Individual online The online Master of Arts in Sustainable Peace in the Contemporary World programme engages competent professionals and researchers to resolve pressing and complex global problems that concern humanity. 0 More Information: Human Rights $ 50. Naita holds a bachelor’s in Economics, with a minor in Asian American Studies from UCLA, a Leadership Certificate from the UCLA Center for Asian American Studies, a Masters in Peace Education from the United Nation established University for Peace in Costa Rica, a Diploma in Social Innovation from the Course selection. programmes that provide students with a rigorous understanding of the role of law in today’s complex global society. org along with your CV and a short Statement of Purpose indicating the motivation to apply) During this programme – offered both in a Hybrid Format (asynchronous classes online and face-to-face on the UPEACE campus in Costa Rica), and an Online Format – students in this programme will analyze the different dimensions of Online courses. If you have already registered, please click here. Email us at centre@upeace. 2020 Peace Education; Theory and Practice 3 Online courses. Whether you are looking for training or obtaining credits take one of our many graduate-level courses in This 6-week online entrepreneurship course will inspire you, offer the space, structure and support for you to flush out your social idea. If you want to maximize your potential as a changemaker and your learning with UPEACE, take 9 courses to complete both programs. UPEACE Optional Courses; Academic Year 2020-2021; Course image Special Online Course on Sustainable Development Goals. info@upeace. Throughout the programme, participants acquire expertise in the critical The Foundation Course *Mandatory* UPEACE. Face to Face. in Leadership and Sustainable Development from the University for Peace. Rule of Law *Mandatory* UNITAR. Application Procedure. Through coursework and independent research or internship experiences, complemented with a unique and cooperative learning environment at UPEACE, students will enhance their values He has also taught several professional certificate online course on the protection of refugees and stateless persons. This course is offered free of cost. 2 Online courses. The course is designed This highly interactive four-week Regenerative Leadership online course explores how the core principles of sustainability, sustainable development, and the research-based regenerative leadership framework can address sustainability challenges in the private and civic sector (business, communities, schools and universities, government, etc. All online courses in the Distance Education Programme are open to independent students and are not limited to those interested in the online M. If you'd like to complete a hybrid program with both online and onsite courses, the cost is $3,995. 2 credits / 6 weeks weeks 6 Mar 2023 - 16 Apr 2023 (Venezuela) is an Assistant Professor in the Department of International Law at UPEACE and the Doctoral Committee Coordinator. Course: Design Thinking. Your application will be reviewed, and you will receive an email from the Centre as soon as possible. Our flexible curriculum caters to professionals enhancing conflict resolution skills and those UPEACE Foundation Course *Mandatory* UPEACE. This theme was developed by Abhinav Khanal also facilitates the Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Social Change course. The course is designed with a flexible schedule to accommodate working professionals and includes personalized feedback from your instructor. For Auditing: It is also possible to audit the course A Multi-Cultural Facilitated Online Course. 25 August - 12 September. Key themes include the role of sustainability in development projects, gender and environmental justice, and the promotion of responsible leadership in both public Online Course Environment and Peace Professor: Jan Breitling jbreitling@upeace. With only five courses required and flexible payment plans available, our Global Leadership Diploma is designed to empower you to become a global leader of positive change. Side panel. This will be complemented by readings, videos, and assignments in-between sessions as well, allowing you to delve deeper into the topics and put what you’ve learned into practice! The UPEACE Foundation Course provides a critical and concise introduction to the broad field of “Peace Studies” for students in ALL UPEACE programmes. 9 weeks. This is a 1-day onsite workshop at the UPEACE campus on The course is designed to provide a common foundation for UPEACE students from all of the different M. org +(506) 2205 9000; Quick access. We will discuss the concepts of Global Environmental Change, Sustainable Development, and A Multi-Cultural Facilitated Online Course. UPEACE Distance Education. Search courses. moves Course Format This is an online course. Library; Campus (For more information on the UPEACE curricula see the website section Study at UPEACE Costa Rica. Mukherjee has lived and worked in three continents (ten countries) holding leadership roles in the The Distance Education Programme at the University for Peace prepares competent professionals to resolve pressing and complex global problems that concern humanity and to create new approaches to old problems through various levels of analysis and action. Politics4Future curriculum has been developed and designed to address the UPEACE ONLINE PROGRAMME 2020-21 All courses on the calendar are subject to change or cancellation. UPEACE Centre for Executive Education Course Online Payment. Academic Year 2020-2021 Naita Chialvo facilitates the online course Global Citizenship Education. What do we offer? We offer a total of 8 online courses tackling a topic central to the idea of social Whether you are looking for training or obtaining credits take one of our many graduate level courses in Peace and Conflict studies. Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Social Change; Tackling Finance in the Social Sector: From Fundraising to Impact Investment This is an online course. programmes, offered in online, on-site, and hybrid format (with students on campus connecting with their off-campus counterparts in real time) covering a Enrollment Form for Individual Online Courses *: Required fields. programs (as its name suggests). The course is designed to be a practical and hands-on workshop, allowing space for sharing and peer-to-peer learning. in Sustainable Peace in the Contemporary Flexible & Practical Professional Development Online. Contact site support. Key themes include the role of sustainability in development projects, gender and environmental justice, and the promotion of responsible leadership in both public This is an online course. Students can obtain the Certificate in Gender and Development upon the successful completion of 12 credits. (If you prefer applying by email instead, you can write to us at hrc@upeace. K) on themes ranging from ‘Designing Your Life’ to ‘Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Social Change’. Regenerative Leadership 4-week online course Starts on February 25, 2025. It was established in 1968 and is mandated to support countries worldwide in The Foundation Course *Mandatory* UPEACE. This is a 4-week online course starting October 29th, 2024. 2024-2026 . PO Box 138-6100 San José, Costa Rica. org 1 Overview of the Course General description: This course will introduce students to the relations between the environment, natural resources, and peace and conflict. 1 . The WHY is the betterment of humanity, with wisdom, compassion, and Offered both in a Hybrid Format (asynchronous classes online and face-to-face on the UPEACE campus in Costa Rica), and an Online Format, students in this programme will analyze the different dimensions of development, including environmental, social, economic, and human dimensions, as well as the theory and practice of diplomacy in the 21st Explore diverse Certificate Programmes that blend education with innovation to meet modern demands and ensure your success in an ever-changing world. During this programme, students will analyse the different dimensions of development including, environmental, social, economic and human dimensions as well as the theory and practice of diplomacy in the 21st century. Skip to main content. UPEACE. org to set up a The Diploma in Social Innovation consists of five courses that can be taken fully online or include a workshop onsite at the University for Peace (UPEACE) campus for a hybrid experience. ask us about future offerings at centre@upeace. 2: $ 700: $ 500: The Centre for Executive Education provides online courses, professional development, customized courses and workshops to individuals from around the world We offer a wide variety of online courses and on-site workshops to fit into your busy schedule. This includes: Certificate of Completion: provided for the successful completion of an online course with or without credits. One of your courses must be Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Social Change and the other 4 are electives you choose based on your own unique needs/ interests. Certificación Profesional Internacional UDES/UPAZ (1era edición) Contact us. The course is designed to provide a common foundation for UPEACE students from all of the different M. This course also includes an optional Course Design. Brochure. Academic Year 2022 - 2023. This theme was developed by The Master of Arts Degree in Peace Education (PE) seeks to develop and strengthen the capacity of formal and informal educators to build a peaceful world on all levels and in all dimensions of life. weeks. UPEACE Foundation Course *Mandatory* UPEACE. UPEACE is the only institution within the United Nations system mandated exclusively for peace education. Abhinav is the Co-Founder & Executive Director of Bean Voyage, a non-profit social enterprise that provides training and market access to smallholder women coffee producers in The Masters Programme in International Law and Human Rights is a comprehensive educational path that equips students with in-depth knowledge and understanding of the intersection between international law and human rights in today’s complex global society. Laura García is a Mexican multimedia storyteller with a wide range of television and online experience. In a world that needs more changemakers, these courses are designed to empower people and provide them with the skills, mindsets and networks to make a positive impact on the world. UPEACE's unique attributes lie in its specialized UN mandate, global community, interdisciplinary curriculum, commitment to practical learning, and emphasis on sustainable development. Part I (Jus ad bellum) *Mandatory* UPEACE. Make the most of your diploma with three The UPEACE Centre for Executive Education is located in the University for Peace, established by the General Assembly of the United Nations. Expand all. Data retention summary. All courses will be facilitated by UPEACE faculty members and UPEACE visiting professors. Average class size is about 12-15 participants from diverse professional backgrounds and countries. Organized by UNESCO UNITWIN Network on Education for Sustainable Development and Social Transformation. Academic Year 2021 - 2022 . Our flexible curriculum caters to professionals enhancing conflict resolution skills and those UPEACE is the only institution within the United Nations system mandated exclusively for peace education. The Collected Courses Online is the electronic version of the longstanding book series on international law: Collected Courses of the Hague Academy of International Law. Each week, a new module opens that includes videos, articles, and forums for discussions that can be completed offline at a convenient time for the participant. 15 March - 16 May, 2027. Home More English ‎(en Marketing, communication and storytelling can all be powerful tools for positive change. The purpose of this document is to ensure that applicants of the UPEACE Online Master´s and Certificate Programmes mentioned below fully understand the tuition fees, as well as the estimated additional costs associated with the programme. UPCOMING COURSES. Grow your network by engaging with a global network of participants who are facing similar issues in different cultural contexts. Online. 2: $ 700: $ 500: Home Online Master of Arts Online Courses Automated Courses Certificates & Diplomas Enrollment Forms FAQ. Course Title . Sustainable Development. Our Special Sauce Programme Modules. 8 March - 18 April 2027. This includes an annual field course on Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in Costa Rica held in August of every year for a week as well as specialized on-site workshops held at the picturesque UPEACE campus. It initially addresses key conceptual and theoretical underpinnings of the origins and development of peace studies as an interdisciplinary area within the fields of international relations and political economy. COURSES CREDITS WEEKS PROFESSOR DATE September Peace and Conflict Studies; the Foundation Course M 3 credits 9 weeks Amr Abdalla Egypt & Adriana Salcedo Ecuador/United States 7 Sept. This course runs two times a year, so if this isn’t the right date for you, ask us about future offerings at centre@upeace. S. Weekly modules are opened in the online learning platform, Moodle, so that you can go through the materials on your own time. Week 1: The Good Life: Cultivating Positivity Week 2: Know your Strengths: Finding Flow As a proud graduate of the U. Between 2008-2009, she lived and worked in Austin TX for a little while before coming to the UK in September 2011. Participants often share some of the following characteristics: UPEACE brings nations together for a common purpose. Course List: Transitional Justice (UPEACE)* International and Transnational Adjudication (UPEACE) International Trade and Investment Law and the Settlement of Disputes (UNITAR) UPEACE Distance Education. 1. UPMUNC (Part I) *Mandatory* UPEACE. Previous Next. Ask us about future offerings at centre@upeace. Here are the key features of this program: Global Perspective. Contact Us. Equipped with a Master’s in Peace Education from the United Nations-established University for Peace (UPEACE) in Costa Rica, a Diploma in Social Innovation from the University for Peace's The courses use an asynchronic methodology and, unlike UPEACE's other online courses, students set their own deadlines for completing the course. Academic Year 2023 -2024. INDIGENOUS PEOPLES’ RIGHTS AND DEVELOPMENT (15 January – 25 February, 2025) Interactive E-Learning Module on Operationalizing the Right to Development in Implementing the Sustainable Development Goals (30 October - 26 November, 2024) The Department of International Law (DIL) at the University for Peace is home to a series of M. ONLINE MASTER OF ARTS . Polices and Practice *Mandatory* UPEACE. For any additional information, please write to hrc@upeace. 2025. You arrive with the group, and we take it from there! CONNECT The course is designed to provide a common foundation for UPEACE students from all of the different M. UPEACE students and almuni enrolling for the Beginning on September 23rd, 2025, this live virtual workshop takes place over 6 weeks, with 1 session each week on Tuesdays from 12:00 pm- 2:00 pm Eastern Time (New York). A. Attracting students from around the world, this highly For Auditing: It is also possible to audit the course, in which case, participants will not receive a certificate. UPEACE, headquartered in Costa Rica, is a Treaty Organization established in 1980 through an International Agreement approved by the United Every course is created hand-in-hand with the faculty lead from our partner university to combine content on the beautiful University for Peace campus and targeted field visits that exemplify the concepts You arrange flights and we can run an online orientation from UPEACE. 00 Master´s and UPEACE Online MA Programme Withdrawal and Reimbursement Policy If an online MA student withdraws his/her enrollment from UPEACE, reasons for withdrawal. 2020 Peace Education; Theory and Practice 3 The Department of Peace and Conflict Studies (DPCS) at the University for Peace is an integrated grouping of programmes that affiliate, interrelate and synergize around core themes and perspectives in conflict analysis and the challenges to peacebuilding. Precarious Times: Educational and Pedagogical. However, please check the course listings for the next available online courses, and make sure to enroll as soon as possible, as courses are filled on a first-come, first-served basis. 2 Mohit Mukherjee is the founding Director of the Centre for Executive Education. Contact us. Monitoring & Evaluation Fundamentals: Measuring Outcomes & Impact 5-week online course This is an online course. Our programme features: World-class lecturers: Course lectures are provided by UPEACE professors Search courses. PO Box 138-6100 San José, Costa Rica There is no set deadline for enrollment in the individual courses or online MA. Online Degree in Sustainable Peace in Online courses from UPEACE University The present COVID-19 pandemic is fundamentally altering the way we live, work, and study. Each week of the online course will focus on a different piece of your life design. In a world that needs more changemakers, these courses are designed to empower Amy Schmidt, is a writer, editor, and activist. in Cybercrime, Cybersecurity and International Law is organized by the United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute (UNICRI) and the University for Peace (UPEACE). To enrol, and gender diversity. OFFERED COURSES: * • 10 Mar-20 Apr 2025 Fees; Credit Non-credit Name Credits Credit Non Credit; Global Governance . 10 November - 21 December 2025. The Master of Arts Degree in Peace Education (PE) seeks to develop and strengthen the capacity of formal and informal educators to build a peaceful world on all levels and in all dimensions of life. For Auditing: It is also The UPEACE Foundation Course provides a critical and concise introduction to the broad field of “Peace Studies” for students in ALL UPEACE programmes. All courses are well-integrated within the programme, bringing together modern theories, and concepts, in-depth case studies, best-practices from around the world, sound methodologies, and the valuable contributions of course-takers. ). He has taught numerous professional certificate online course on the protection of refugees and stateless persons over the last eight years. UPEACE Optional Courses Short online course on UPEACE's policies A short asynchronous course designed to convey the most important information contained in the Policies of the University for Peace. The UPEACE Centre for Executive Education delivers dynamic courses to nonprofit leaders, business executives, educators, students and professionals from around the world. Find our more about the people that make up our unique A 6-week online course aimed to inspire you, help you gain an understanding of the challenges of the start-up process and offer the space, structure and support for you to flush out your idea, whether it’s a social enterprise, a non-profit, or an intrapreneurship venture within an existing organization. UPEACE's unique attributes lie in its specialized UN mandate, global community, interdisciplinary curriculum, commitment to practical learning, Courses (36 credits) US $12,000; Independent Research Project (6 credits) US $3,000; Total tuition for the Online Master's Programme US $15,000; Tuition Due Dates; Payment Option Payment Deadline Payment Deadline Payment Deadline; One Installment: Full tuition payment of US$15,000 is due before the first course start date : To enroll in any course or programme, please fill out our brief online application. Powered by Moodle. UPEACE Online MA Programme Withdrawal and Reimbursement Policy If an online MA student withdraws his/her enrollment from UPEACE, reasons for withdrawal. Mr. She also facilitates empowerment self-defense, Online Courses. Students opting for the Online Diploma can choose any of the courses offered by the Programme. Politics4Future curriculum has been developed and designed to address the gap based on the experience and research of the project partners in the field of teacher education and sustainability learning. The partner organizations: The LL. Calle Upaz, El Rodeo de Mora, San José, Costa Rica. 8 September - 9 November 2025. She is an international lawyer and All online courses in the Distance Education Programme are open to independent students, even if they are not enrolled in the online MA. Some courses specifically delve into the complex management of natural and urban environments, while in other courses, students examine the broader social and economic dimensions of sustainability. M. The UPEACE Distance Education Online programme provides several graduate-level courses During this programme – offered both in a Hybrid Format (asynchronous classes online and face-to-face on the UPEACE campus in Costa Rica), and an Online Format – students in this programme will analyze the different dimensions of Explore diverse Certificate Programmes that blend education with innovation to meet modern demands and ensure your success in an ever-changing world. 3 credit. Fee for alumni of UPEACE and the Centre enrolling for the Diploma programme is USD 2100. For Auditing: It is also The University for Peace (UPEACE) and the United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) have partnered to offer a portfolio of Master’s Programmes and Certificate Programmes in the areas of diplomacy, development, and international law. 9 September - 10 November 2024. You'll choose 5 courses to complete your Diploma program. This theme was developed by. Our programme features: World-class lecturers: Course lectures are provided by UPEACE professors, distinguished professors, experts from UPEACE Optional Courses; Special Online Course on Sustainable Development Goals All countries of the world in 2015 negotiated and adopted an ambitious set of 17 goals and 169 targets at the United Nations General Assembly aimed towards development in form of Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This course uses a widely-available personality test as a base framework, helping you dive into why and how you act as a starting point for understanding group dynamics. The Master of Arts in International Peace Studies with a specialisation in Media, Peace, and Conflict Studies (IPS-MPCS) provides thorough and up-to-date knowledge of relevant research related to how media contributes to peacebuilding and conflict transformation, as well as to conflict escalation and war. Courses Offered both in a Hybrid Format (asynchronous classes online and face-to-face on the UPEACE campus in Costa Rica), and an Online Format, this programme will allow students to develop the skills required for a successful international career in a variety of fields – diplomacy, development, politics, social work, human resources, UPEACE as a not-for-profit institution has limited funds for financial assistance. She is from North Carolina and has settled in Costa Rica after earning her MA in International Peace Studies from UPEACE. Course: Amount ($): NEXT. niidd dpzpnf qatr hgrhe nya lsbvp hurvum lehw bbpn rkzwc qdfkl lotald zolr eui elonr